Many thanks to everyone who participated in this week’s airport master plan meetings! Between the joint committee meeting and the public open house, nearly 100 community members discussed the options and limitations of the airport alternatives process. Conducted by the mayor, the public meeting walked attendees through the City Council approved goals for the airport, the federal requirements needed to bring the airport into compliance, and the alternatives that will and won’t work for the future.
The meeting presentation and display boards are in our Documents library, and can be accessed directly below.
- Meeting Presentation
- Critical Design Aircraft Display Board
- Facility Requirements Display Board
- Existing Layout with CII Standards Display Board
- Preliminary Alternatives Display Board
- Runway Shift Alternative Display Board
We encourage you to review the presentation and learn about how the project team is working to balance the community goal of maintaining a small airport with the federal safety requirements. We welcome your feedback during any time of the airport master plan process, but if you would like your comments on the Alternatives provided to the City Council before its October meeting, please submit them before the end of day on October 7, through our Contact Us page.