About the Committees

In addition to gathering public feedback and hosting public meetings, the Heber Valley Airport Master Plan has established two committees designed to represent the public during the process. Both committees are made up of representatives of a diverse group of community members and both serve important roles in analyzing data, providing feedback, and helping determine the final outcome of the updated plan.

Community Advisory Committee (CAC): The CAC is made up of a large group of regional stakeholders and serves as a sounding board and information-exchange group for local representatives. The CAC reviews the planning team’s plans and proposals, interacts with the planning team members during the review, makes consensus recommendations to the planning team, and gives its recommendations on the finished plan to the City. The CAC also provides insight and guidance regarding the community’s reaction, criticism, and wishes for airport development as it relates to the greater community.

The members of the CAC are: Bart Mounteer, Calder Stratford, Heidi Franco, Jared Wilson, Jason Talley, Jeff Mabbutt, Kari McFee, Ken McConnell, Lynn Adams, Marilyn Crittenden, Randy Christ, Stefanie Grady, Sterling Woodruff, Steve Farrell, Tom Melville, and Wayne Hardman.


Technical Advisory Council (TAC): The TAC is responsible for providing input and insight on technical issues. Council members have a high level of competency in aviation or airport operations and are major stakeholders in the airport’s operations. The TAC will help facilitate public meetings, gather feedback, and provide guidance throughout the process. The TAC consists of local elected officials and policy and administrative representatives from local governing jurisdictions, including city planners and Airport Board representatives.

The members of the TAC are: Barry Hancock, Lonnie Woodward, Mike Duggin, Nadim Abuhaidar, Tony Kohler, and Travis Biggs.


The committees will meet several times over the course of the project. For details on when they convene, visit calendar. For a review of their meetings, visit blog updates.

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