The Heber Valley Airport Flightpath project team has released the next draft chapter in the Airport Master Plan update. Chapter 5, Facility Requirements, identifies potential modifications and facility improvements needed at Heber Valley Airport to accommodate existing and anticipated aviation activity and ensure compliance with design standards established by the Federal Aviation Administration.
This chapter examines the ability of the existing conditions at Heber Valley Airport to support the forecast demand and identifies conditions that trigger the need for facility additions or improvements. Driven by the airport’s design category, these standards will shape the future of the airport.
The Flightpath team will use these facility requirements to begin developing the master plan Alternatives. The Alternatives will offer different ways that the Airport Sponsor (Heber City Council) can achieve its vision for the Heber Valley Airport in the near-, medium-, and long-term. In other words, changes are needed to bring the airport into compliance with federal design standards; how does Heber work toward making those changes in a way that best aligns with community and user preferences?
The next Flightpath public meeting will offer the community the opportunity to share their feedback about the proposed Alternatives. With your insight, the City Council will determine the preferred Alternative for the airport, and ultimately, how Heber Valley Airport could look over the next twenty years. However, it is important to note that with all the Alternatives, achieving compliance with federal design and safety standards is the highest priority of the airport master plan.
Chapter 5 is available for review and download here.
As with previous chapters, the draft chapter is still a work in progress, and comments are welcome. If you would like to provide feedback or have any questions about the draft chapter, please submit them through our Contact Us page.